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发布时间:2013/6/29 浏览次数:

2004 年 6 月 1 日起实施的建设部新颁布的行业标准《生 活垃圾卫生填埋技术规范》 (CJJ17-2004) 的强制性条文规定要求: “填埋场必须进行防渗处理,防止对地下水和地表水的污染,同时还应防止地下水进入填埋区” 填埋区防渗主要有天然防渗和人工防渗系统, 。 天然粘土防渗要求其渗透系数不大于 1.0*10-7cm/s。对于达不到防渗 系数要求的填埋库区须采用铺设高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)土工膜作为 防渗衬里。

目前,填埋场的防渗膜铺设工程越来越多,由于相关的建设工程定额中还没有对填埋场防渗膜铺设有相关的规定,因此,填埋场的防渗膜铺设的工程量需要有一个统一的计算口径来进行规范, 本文就防渗膜实际铺设中的一些经验结合工程预算对防渗膜铺设 的损耗进行一些探讨。

填埋场防渗膜铺设主要应用于填埋库区、污水调节池、污水处理 系统(如矿化垃圾处理系统)等。根据防渗的衬里系统结构可分为单层衬里、复合衬里、双层衬里、多层衬里系统。 HDPE膜的材料消耗主要有膜塔接、管穿膜、打补丁、边角折叠等。 更多资讯:http://www.chinajchy.com/xwdt.asp

June 1, 2004 implementation of the construction ministry promulgated the latest industry standard "standard of living garbage sanitary landfill technology" (CJJ17-2004) mandatory provisions of the regulation requirements: "landfill anti-seepage treatment, must be conducted to prevent the pollution of groundwater and surface water, at the same time should also prevent the groundwater into the landfill area" landfill area seepage control are mainly natural seepage prevention and seepage prevention system,. Natural clay seepage control requires its permeability coefficient is not more than 1.0 * 10-7 cm/s. For can not meet the seepage coefficient of the demand of landfill area laying should be used in high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane as seepage prevention liner.

At present, landfill anti-seepage film laying engineering more and more, because of the country related construction project quota hasn't have relevant provisions on landfill anti-seepage film laying, therefore, ?


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