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发布时间:2013/5/27 浏览次数:

高密度聚乙烯(High Density Polyethylene,简称为“HDPE”),是一种结晶度高的热塑性树脂。原态HDPE的外表呈乳白色,在微薄截面呈一定程度的半透明状。PE具有优良的耐大多数生活和工业用化学品的特性。某些种类的化学品会产生化学腐蚀,例如腐蚀性氧化剂(浓硝酸),芳香烃(二甲苯)和卤化烃 (四氯化碳)。该聚合物不吸湿并具有好的防水蒸汽性,可用于包装用途。HDPE具有很好的电性能,特别是绝缘介电强度高,使其很适用于电线电缆。中到高分子量等级具有较好的抗冲击性,在常温甚至在-40F低温度下均如此。


HDPE (High Density Polyethylene, referred to as "HDPE"), is a kind of High crystallinity, nonpolar thermoplastic resin. Square one HDPE appearance has milk-white, in a small section in a certain degree of translucent. PE has excellent resistance to most of the characteristics of life and industrial chemicals. Some kinds of chemical produce chemical corrosion, such as corrosive oxidant (nitric acid), aromatics (xylene) and halogenated hydrocarbon (CTC). The polymer is not hygroscopic and has good waterproof steam, can be used for packaging purposes. HDPE has the very good performance, especially the insulation dielectric strength is high, so that it is very suitable for wire and cable. Medium to high molecular weight grades has excellent impact resistance, even at room temperature under 40 f low temperature so.Using HDPE .


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